Forma Spazi Academy is a Training Body accredited by the Lazio Region with Regional Determination no. G06266. The project stems from the experience of professionals in the training and communication sector who together have created a unique professional network. The Academy delivers professional training courses and is aimed at those who wish to implement their training with intensive and highly effective training courses. The aim is also to enable candidates, once they have completed the courses, to gain first-hand experience in the field, fostering a connection with its industry partners.
Forma Spazi Academy operates in the field of training, labour and social policies in order to contribute to employment growth, human resources improvement, social inclusion and local development. The three lines of activity are as follows:
Higher and Continuing Education
It includes paths and projects of initial and continuous vocational training and higher training aimed at qualification, retraining, specialisation of workers and the unemployed, in order to contribute to quality and inclusive employment. Non-formal and informal non-professional training, in support of lifelong learning, for the enhancement and recovery of key and transversal skills, and for the growth of active citizenship.
Certified skills
Skills certification services to help modernise vocational education and training systems and to ensure lifelong learning, skills upgrading and retraining for all.
Employment Services
It includes activities and offers aimed at the integration or reintegration into the labour market of all persons identified by regional and EU legislation as ‘disadvantaged persons’, including the physically, mentally and sensory disabled and immigrants.
Forma Spazi Academy was born from the experience of professionals in the field of training and communication who together have created a unique professional network.
We undertake this training by providing assistance and following you every step of the way during the training process.
Thanks to on-site training and being able to get in touch with our teachers, we designed a direct and professionalizing training course in just a few steps.
Forma Spazi' spaces, with natural light and stabilized greenery in Rome's Monti neighborhood, are designed to foster learning and creativity.
Optimise and qualify capacities.
Operating in the education sector also means putting in place internal and external procedures to offer quality services and increase user/customer satisfaction. The Quality Charter represents a first step in introducing an effective evaluation method for the training system covering all educational areas. The aim is to constantly monitor customer satisfaction and indicators of efficiency, effectiveness and performance of the work done and the structured offer.
Here is our Service Quality Card
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